The VEIL DIFFUSER is an electronic device used to diffuse a microfiber film onto the skin after BIOMIMESIS VEIL POTION has been applied. The device uses the plus/minus difference in charge between the skin and BIOMIMESIS VEIL POTION to form a fine transparent film on the skin.
ʵ Electronic device with microfiber technology, which seals moisture in the skin and enhances the effect of the evening care.
ʵ Inspired by the qualities of Koishimaru silk, the silky fiber spins into a fine, transparent film that adheres like a second skin.
ʵ Microfiber technology wraps the skin to keep it in an optimal moisture environment.
ʵ Improves the effect of care products by allowing them to be completely absorbed by the skin overnight.
ʵ The skin is supplied with moisture overnight and thus gains vitality.
ʵ Enhances the effect of night skin care.
ʵ The skin's moisture barrier is strengthened.
ʵ Has a skin-refining effect.
ʵ Protects the skin from external factors such as dryness and friction.
ʵ Gives the skin a silky and soft feel.
To use:
ʵ Beautiful skin like you have never experienced before with conventional cosmetics.
ʵ Skin care can take full effect overnight.
ʵ Protection against moisture loss.
ʵ Protection against loss of elasticity and premature skin aging.
ʵ The skin is rejuvenated, lines and wrinkles are minimized.
ʵ The skin gets a natural glow, is balanced and moisturized.
ʵ Experience a refined and even complexion.